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User Research

Desk Research

Types of Blind

Born blind
Late blind
Low vision

Problem Identification

Lack of confdence

Lack of knowledge of services

Increased lonliness

Social exclusion

Feeling of being a burden

Bridge research photo black and white 1

Field Research

Poona men's association of blind Hadapsar ,Pune,India

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Bridge Tactile Experience

About the project

There are games designed for visually impaired and sighted exclusively which make the visually impaired feel that they are incapable to compete with the sighted users. Bridge is a game designed to reduce the gap and give the visually impaired the confidence and freedom at the same time. 


Individual self initiated


Finalist top 150 in Taiwan international student design competition in product design category and first runner up in battle of projects Pune Design festival 2019


1 year


Design for special needs



battle of projects
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The initial research and brainstorming sessions were conducted to see what all problems do visually impaired people face in their daily life. Deep diving into their lives is important to empathize with them before designing for their betterment .The best way to design any product or service is to co-design with the end users.

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First mock-up was made with cardboard and thumb pins

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Clip path group

Bridging the gap between visually impaired and sighted users

There are games designed for visually impaired and sighted exclusively making the visually impaired  
feel that they are incapable to compete with the sighted user Bridge is a game designed to reduce  
the gap and give the visually impaired the confidence and freedom at the same time.  



Cad Drawing

Elements for the website-02.png

Game Manual

How to start

Playing pieces on all the four corners .Maximum four people can play and minimum two players. Arrange all the sixteen board pieces randomly on the board ,sixteen board pieces consist of one to six numbers with its associated color .Arrange all the four playing pieces on all the four corners .Maximum four people can play and minimum two players.

Component Parts

Exterior board
16 different colored pieces
Green (5)=2
Orange (4)=3
Dark blue (3)=2
Blue (6)=2
Yellow 2)=4
Red (1)=3

Black Pieces 4 different shapes
Dice area and packaging unit
Magic swap and Number Exchange cards

Playing the game

To move backward or can choose other path .Any direction possible but cannot jump the board .If the other player is already in the same position he can either move to the same position by forcing the others Players have to reach the opposite end of the board to win the game ,players can only move when corner number comes to the dice. He can move in any direction possible but cannot jump the board .If the other player is already in the same position he can either move to the same position by forcing the others to move backward or can choose other path.

Elements for the website-02.png

the opposition

Player can eliminate a player only if the player piece is at the corner end of the board and it is your choice whether to eliminate the player or move towards your directed path ,if your directed path is in between the player he will have to eliminate the player with the game.

Elements for the website-02.png


MAGIC SWAP-Jump your player piece to any of the same colored section.
NUMBER EXCHANGE-Exchange the board piece with the same colored or numbered board piece.
If 6 or 1 comes on the spinner or dice the player chooses between the two cards  magic swap or number exchange.

Elements for the website-02.png


Reaching the opposite end of the board before other player makes you the winner.

Elements for the website-02.png
Elements for the website-02.png

Game Testing

The prototype was tested in Niwant a visually impared training institute before the prototype a card board model was tested
in Poona Blind mens association.


Mockup testing

Tactile experience of the initial game mockup.

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