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Deo environment final 1

Extruded Deo

About the project

Design a product that utilizes an extruded Deodorant formulation and gives an enhanced user experience


Design Lead

About the client/course

While working with Efficient innovations Pvt.Ltd and Life bound technologies Pvt ltd. We as a design team had recieved a design brief to design a deodrant range for Uniliver global UK.The designer from Uniliver had given a brief about a new range of extruded deodorant formulation.


15 days




Uniliver UK

Design Constraints

Formulation is a soft solid that can be extruded.

Center spindle design not required.

Design freedom in terms of inner and outer layer of product.

Design can be context focus or integrated design.

Form factor should be soft edges.

Consider use of material properties like wax-based materials for lubrication or transparent materials to show inner extruded shape etc.

Design Journey

to come at the stage where we are right now, we did

image 17

Project briefing

Process defining

Sec. research

Product study

Market study

User research

Ergonomic study


Prob. identification


Important  Observations

Deodorant comes under personal care category, but unlike the norm in personal care which is generally dominated by women; deodorant market is dominated by Men.

Users buy the product almost every month

Research includes 56 respondents 

Majority of the users were from the age group 20-25.

majority of the users use the product twice a day

User Problems

User unaware of the quantity of deodrant to be used and and how to use it

Scope of simplification and enhancement of existing user interaction with the product

User should feel comfortable while using the product publically

Formulation is exposed to air at times leading to unwanted cloggy texture and dryness

Product can be design with an appropriate ergonomic approach since the product is used everyday

Stains/white marks on skin makes the process unhygienic and leaves a bad impression of the product. It also causes irritation and stickiness.

Scope of Improvement

Easy to use at home as well as outdoors

Circular economy of deodorants

Refillable and Reusable

Modern age : primary target

Hygiene issues

Handy and ergonomic

Contamination if exposed to air

reduction in changes of getting inhaled

Inclusivity in terms of disability

dual substance dispensing

sheer scope of decoration

comfortable gesture

Easy and least complicated use case

acceptable to the consumer

uniqueness in terms of usage

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Worked upon scenarios to describe where our designs and ideas fit well and to look for areas where we can come up with innovations.

User needs to control scent and sweat but don't want to expose himself to dangerous chemicals. excessive sweating leads to discomfort and the
use of deodorant becomes more frequent even at public areas

40 years old marketing head working in a 9-5 job needs to stay fresh all time due to frequent meetings. His main issue is him sweating a lot even at odd times. Seeking for a product that is least complicated and solves his problems of fragrance and sweating but doesn’t require too much effort to put in.

User, in his/her 20s has tried different product ranging from normal deodrants to deo sticks, but has faced a lot of problems in each product like efficiency, hygeine, stains, etc. user is open to new innovations and more efficient ideas.

Define Needs

Set of words that our ideas need to revolve around in order to deliver the best output










Sense of acceptance

life jet final 1 1

red slider need to be slided along the body to extrude the stick

As the user slides the, it pushes the deo stick outwards allowing the user to apply it without any complications

As the user slides the, it pushes the deo stick outwards allowing the user to apply it without any complications

As the user slides the, it pushes the deo stick outwards allowing the user to apply it without any complications

As the user slides the, it pushes the deo stick outwards allowing the user to apply it without any complications

As the user slides the, it pushes the deo stick outwards allowing the user to apply it without any complications

life jet final 1 1

red slider need to be slided along the body to extrude the stick

As the user slides the, it pushes the deo stick outwards allowing the user to apply it without any complications

parth mockup 1
mockup 1


stack 1
stack 2
stack 3
final stackable slot 1
holder final stackable 1
deo holder
Circlar file final 1




sliding cap

deo stick

outer shell

rail for guide

deo holder

cam wheel

outer shell

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